Monday, January 31, 2011

Shot Types/Angles

The shot type is "low angle" and "close up"
This shot was used to show a sense of power and strength.
Visual clues that demonstrate this is the writing on the door, the professional looking suit the man is wearing, and the concentrated look on his face.

The shot type is "low angle" and a "long wide shot"
This used to show how high up the guy is on the filing cabinet, and how scary the shot is.
In this particular photo, it looks like the man has climbed the cabinet to attempt to escape from the skylight.
The shot type is "over the shoulder"
The angle of the shot is "low angle"
The intention was to create a sense of fear and isolation
A visual clue to what character she is is her acting: posture, facial expression, the way she holds herself conveys fear
Another visual clue are the props and her makeup conveys fear

The shot type is "low angle" and "close-up" This is used to show how strange he is, by showing his weird facial features.
These include his bright orange hair, lime green MASSIVE eyes, white skin, creepy teeth, and the strange backdrop.
The backdrop ads another sense of loneliness.

The shot type used in this photo is "over the shoulder", and it is also a "long shot"
The use of over the shoulder helps give us an idea of what Alice is looking at, and why she has that facial expression.
Visual representation that demonstrates this is the dark backdrop, and Alice's facial expression.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

  • Emotional experience
  • Entertainment
  • Learn the story
  • Visually connect with characters
  • Historic events
  • Perspective -> human condition
  • Relate to the characters
  • Story, characters, setting, sound, images.
Cinema is a visual art form. Cinema is not literature. A film is not a novel.
  • However, a film is a text, just as a play, poem or novel is a text.
  • Although the storyline is essential, when reading a film you must be able to examine, interpret and analyse the visual elements and style.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Shot - A shot is a continuous piece of filming without interruption from the time the camera is turned on and starts filming until it is turned off.
  • In general most shots last for no more than about 10 seconds
  • The camera or subjects may move during a shot, however the filming is uninterrupted.
Edit - An edit is a break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins

The four common types of edits are:

  • Cuts
  • Dissolves
  • Fades
  • Wipes

This is the combination of all the visual elements within the frame (frame: the physical boundary that contains what the audience sees)

Raiders of The Lost Ark - MISE EN SCENE

Genre: The genre of this particular scene is "Action Adventure"
Shot types that demonstrate this are lots of 'cuts' and 'wipes'.
A majority of the shots are 'medium' and 'close up'. However some of the time shots cut from close up to wide shots.
The lighting was very dark, which added towards the 'adventure' part of the story.

Style of acting: The actors were being very cautious, but also calm, considering they were theoretically in danger.

Props: The clothing that the actors were wearing were very tattered and worn. Because they were exploring and had been through a lot of hardship, their clothes were dirty and ruined. Another prop that enhanced the scene was Indiana Jones' whip, that he always has with him, and the golden ark.
Make-up was used to enhance how dirty he was. He was very dirty and bronzed, which explored how he is always in the bust and rucking it.

Lighting: The lighting was very dark, using cool colours such as dark blue and green. There were lots of dramatic shadows as well that gave the scenes more depth.

The movie was set in South America, in the Amazon Jungle. This was chosen because it adds depth to the movie, because of the colours, how lush the jungle is, and the heat.

Genre: The genre of this particular scene is "Romantic Comedy"
Shot types that demonstrate this are lots of 'dissolves' and 'wipes'.
A majority of the shots are 'medium' and 'close up'. However at the end of the scene there is a very long shot from the sky looking down.
The lighting in the beginning was normal house lighting, however when they are wandering the streets and the garden it is very dark with lots of shadows.

Style of acting: I think both the main actors were being themselves, and being likable, as well as showing their weakness' and vulnerabilities.

Props: They are stylish, fashionable, fitting in with the current fashion from that time. There was also a brownie which symbolized who was the more pathetic. There was also the fence they jumped, describing that the man was very modest and polite, as well as holding back, and she was very outgoing and adventurous. A final prop was the bench in the garden, which symbolized true love. As two people had spend their lives together in the garden.

Lighting: The lighting in the beginning was normal house lighting, however when they are wandering the streets and the garden it is very dark with lots of shadows.

The movie was set in South America, in the Amazon Jungle. This was chosen because it adds depth to the movie, because of the colours, how lush the jungle is, and the heat.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

- A shot is a continuous piece of filming without interruption from the time the camera is turned on and starts filming until it is turned off.

- An edit is a break in the film where one shot ends and the next shot begins.
1. Cuts
2. Dissolves
3. Fades
4. Wipes (occasionally)