Sunday, May 29, 2011

Possible Career Opportunities


Multimedia includes a variety of formats including animation, game design, web content,
art design, graphic design, video, music and presentation. Essentially, multimedia encompasses anything involving text, graphic art, video, music and animation. These are usually computer-generated and are creative, catchy, memorable, and will try to appeal to multiple senses. The purpose of multimedia is to produce content for entertainment, presentation or advertising.


The skills and abilities needed vary from job to job. While a graphic designer may need computer skills, mathematics and programming, a multimedia planner might focus more on management skills, marketing and execution of tasks. Other types of work might involve knowing what customers want and creating presentations for them, producing sound, animation or video, and knowing how to use computer programs like Flash, Dreamweaver and Photoshop.

Copyright Issues in the Media Industry

License terms

These baseline rights can be modified by adding the extra licensing terms below. You can mix and match these to create a license that defines exactly how you want your work to be used. For example, you may want to release your work under an Attribution license, or you may want to use an Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike license. A full list and description of the Creative Commons licenses is provided further down the page.

Copyright enforcement

Traditional media formats (such as books) create their own enforcement environment. It can be time consuming and expensive to make copies and almost always involves a loss of quality. If the content is in digital form copying tends to be cheap, fast and maintains the same level of quality. The music industry has seen this first hand with the explosion of file sharing via peer-to-peer networks.

In the digital age territoriality is more difficult to enforce, as the Internet is not bound by the same geography as bookstores and movie theaters. However enforcement of copyright on the Internet is not impossible. If a user downloads material from a territory where they are not entitled to download the material, they are not immune from legal challenge, just because they were able to download it. Publishing companies now can and do serve subpoenas on Internet service provider (ISP) to obtain all relevant information of the offending user.

There are also implications for marketing and promotion of new book titles for example, which increasingly include online components, which audiences in different territories may have immediate access to, prior to the publication being available in that territory. So a book may be launched with an alternate reality game in the US before the book is realized in Australia, making it difficult to manage and measure promotion and release strategies.

Sunday, May 15, 2011



Holly and I went on an adventure through a park on the beach, we watched the sunset, went for a quick dip in the water, wrote our names in the sand, explored through the tree's, and then had a scenic road trip on the way home.

Evaluation of Film Progress


Has your film been edited to engage the audience initially and to establish the tone of the piece?

Yes, my film has been edited in a way that shows the type of piece that it is. It starts off with the music and in a way it tells a story of our day and what we get up to.

What are you going to do to engage the audience? Describe the sounds, lighting, shot types and effects that fit with the genre of your film and how you will incorporate these at the start of your film.

The sound is the the 'The Piper's Song' by Gyspy and the Cat. The shot types range from far and close up, and the lighting is very bright as it is the sunset and the sun is going down. There is a lot of shots of the sun shining in the background. All these things incorporate together to create the genre of my film.

Have you carefully chosen audio to suit the pace of the project? Describe the audio and the pace?

Yes, the audio chosen 'The Piper's Song' by Gyspy and the Cat, was picked because it is an upbeat but calm and spiritual song, which fits perfectly in with the theme of the project.

Describe the pace of your music and the type of shots (close-up, mid, high, etc) that you will be creating to fit with the music

The pace of my music is fast and upbeat, but it is also very spiritual at times. This fits in with the shot types that have the sun shining directly at the camera.

Have you included credits at the start or end of your film?

What information should be included here?

No, I have credits at the end of the film though.


Is the film edited to appropriately suit the rhythm of the scene? Describe the use of techniques such as selective timing and length of shots (either action or sound)

Yes, the film is edited to suit the rhythm of the scene by cutting the shots to move quickly with the beat of the song.

Emotional intention

Have you edited the footage to create heightened expression and audience responses? Describe how you are going to achieve this. i.e. cross dissolves, graphic matches, effects etc

Yes I have edited the footage to create heightened expression and audience responses. I have used cross dissolves throughout the film in-between different shots, as well as contrast effects and just direct cuts at times.

Editing techniques

Have you created links between shots and throughout the film to emotionally engage the viewer with your story ( i.e. is your film tied together through theme, colour, story, objects etc?)

My film is tied together through theme, the different bright colours, and the story of us starting in the car, enjoying the scenery at the beach, and then then the drive home.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Film Poster Design

1. What Genre will you be creating a poster for?
The genre I will be creating a poster for is drama and romance.

2. What colour scheme would suit this particular genre?
A cool, contrasting colour scheme. Probably a range of lilac, light blues, apple green and burgundy.

3. What textures and type of shapes would best suit this genre?
Velvety, soft, flowing, calm, soothing textures and shapes.

4. Who is the intended audience for your website?
The target audience is majorly girls 12-20 years o
ld, because it is a romantic film. But is it also targeted for people who are interested in dramatic love stories.
5. After looking at the websites:
Da Font OR 1001 FONTS

Which fonts would suit your film genre?
Fonts that would suit my film genre are scripts, calligraphy and running writing.
I decided on this specific font from

What is an appropriate title for your film?
The title I decided on for my film is Summer Daisies. This is because the film is very romantic and it looks pretty in script writing.

Include images, textures and colour examples on your blog:

This image is the one being used on the website to set the mood for the film.

These are the colour schemes believe that will work best with the theme of the movie.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Academy Award Nominations

Best film – Hannah Montana The Movie

Best Actor – Leonardo De Caprio

Best Actress – Miley Cyrus

Best Supporting Actor – Joseph Gordon Levert

Best Supporting Actress – Emily Osment

Best Director – Stephen Spielberg

Best Original Screenplay (script) - UP

Best Screen Adaptation – Winnie The Pooh

Best Cinematic Photography – The Last Song

Best Editing -

Best Special Effects - Avatar

Best Original Score (music) -

Best Costumes / Wardrobe – Hannah Montana The Movie

Best Title Sequence / Credits

Best Short (film)

Special Award for Services to the Cinema Industry, the motion picture business, the dream

factory, the movie world.

3. Think about these questions.

a. Which clip from a particular film would you never tire of seeing? When Jason Earles from Hannah Montana gets pecked in the face by an ostrich.

b. What trailers have you seen recently that really made you want to go and see the

film? – The Town

c. Can you think of any scenes from films you think should have been cut? Or can you

think of any entire film you think should have been banned? – The Human Centipede

d. Which of these features do you, in general, like a film to have:

1. a happy ending? yes

2. a complicated plot or a simple storyline? I like both

3. lots of action? Depends on the story line

4. a political or social message? social

5. totally naturalistic dialogue? Don't care

6. larger than life or true-to-life characters? depends on the story-line

7. (in the case of foreign films) subtitles or dubbed dialogue? I don’t watch foreign films

8. lots of close-up shots of people’s faces? If they are attractive

9. long sequences of desert, jungle etc.? No

10.a fair number of stars or a cast of unknowns’? stars

e. What can the cinema offer that the theatre can’t – and vice versa? Surround sound, and gold class

f. Which plays have you seen which you have also seen the film of? How did the two

versions compare? None

g. Would you let your ten-year-old son go off to Hollywood to be in a film, with or

without you there? Yes, with or without me, but i'd prefer to come

Match It Up



The Simpsons

a thriller




a historical film


a (Hollywood) musical


a science fiction movie


a war film


a horror film




a romantic comedy




a documentary




a disaster movie



Shot Types

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Media Assessment

Film Type: Music Video (Gypsy & The Cat - The Piper's Song)

For our media assessment piece, Jocelyn, Holly and myself are going to create a music video to the song The Piper's Song, by Gypsy & the Cat. The film is will depict a road trip in the life of three teenagers in the summer, and focus on the themes freedom, social bonding, and nature. It will be featured on beaches, at the currumbin rock pools, and in a meadow. The talent will be acting in a way that demonstrates the themes, being very fluid and peaceful. Costumes will be very casual, as most of the film will be shot at the beach, costumes will mostly be bikini's and summer dresses. However, pieces of material will be used to add effect. Overall, the music video will be very creative, relaxed and summery.

Target Audience - Young adults (15 - 25 year olds)
Idea - Calm, spiritual, imaginative video

Themes being used:
  • Passion of the mind and the body
  • Nature, Spirituality & freedom
  • Social Bonding (Celebration / fun)
  • Imagining

Setting - Burleigh beach, Currumbin rock pools, Meadows
Music - Gypsy & The Cat - The Piper's Song
Characters (talent) - Jocelyn Savage, Holly Miller, Isabella Laws
Props - Cars, beach towels, beach bags etc.
Costumes - Beach dresses, bikini's

Production Crew:
Jocelyn - actor, camera operator, producer, film editor
Isabella - actor, camera operator, sound designer
Holly - actor, camera operator, costume/set designer, director

Song Lyrics:
In the night see a face in the dark
In his face see a light shining gold
And this man, walks alone singing songs of victory
When he sleeps there’s a struggle and the light begins to fade

Heaven tells the past all he had was love and fear
He was stronger then all he had was love and pain
Then one day he found a stroke, evil tears run down his face
Another change good to buy good to buy

Where to run, are you there are you there
In the winter sun, he’s dancing in the wind
Where to run, are you there are you there
In the wilderness, look and you will find him

Another weeps a child sleeps his broken heart
A bleeding wine just passing time their horror shows
They’re at his grave at Valid creek where he began to see
The evil tide that proves that always good still within

Heaven tells the past all he had was love and fear
He was stronger then all he had was love and pain
Then one day he found a stroke, evil tears run down his face
Another change good to buy good to buy

Where to run, are you there are you there
In the winter sun, he’s dancing in the wind
Where to run, are you there are you there
In the wilderness, look and you will find him

Thunder, thunder in the time
Thunder, waiting for a sun
Thunder, thunder in the time
Thunder, waiting for a sun
Tonight tonight see the sun

Where to run, are you there are you there
In the wilderness, look and you will find him
Where to run, are you there are you there
In the winter sun, he’s dancing in the wind

Where to run, are you there are you there
In the wilderness, look and you will find him
Where to run, are you there are you there
In the winter sun, he’s dancing in the wind

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Production Crew

List the jobs done by the following members of the video production (creative team’)

1. Executive producer: Manages the time line, controls the budget

2. Writer: Takes the idea or concept and writes the script

3. Producer: In charge of the creative team, secures the service of the production crew,
prepares shooting schedules, on time and within budget

4. Director: Directs the performance of the cast and crew, tells everybody what to do, explains the production to technical crew, has the final say

5. Production manager: Tracks the progress of the production, make sure its running smoothly, and also on time.

6. Storyboard artist: Draw up sketches with the director

7. Camera operator: Work with the lighting director, shoot the scene

8. Sound technician: Ensure the dialogue and other sounds are properly recorded, supervise sound crew, correctly place microphones and levels of audio must be correct, involved in final sound mix

9. Talent: Talent are the actors, or the cast,

10. Editor: Finish of the production, cutting the footage to suitable length, adding music, graphics, editing and special effects

11. Define brief - Intention, purpose, target audience,


12. What is the purpose of the pre production stage? when plans of the shooting program are put into place

13. What are some of the tasks done in the pre production stage? scripting, scene breakdown, storyboard, shot list, casting, locations (equipment hire, catering, transport, informing people)

14. Why is the pre-production stage so important to the production process? Because sometimes they only have two days to shoot the film, so everything needs to be prepared.

15. What are three important things to remember in the pre-production process? These could be related to the stage in general or the work of those performing specialist roles: Making sure that you have a setting thats available, ????


16. What is the production stage also known as? Shooting of the film

17. What are some tasks done in the production stage? lighting, camera options, sound

18. What are three important things to remember in the production process? These could be related to the stage in general or the work of those performing specialist roles. That the shooting schedule must be followed, safety issues

19. What does ‘continuity’ mean? Why is it an important consideration of the production stage? Making sure that certain objects and items are still in the same place


20. What is one of the major tasks completed in post-production? shooting the project, time management crucial, quality control (image, sound, performance)

21. What is the difference between an off-line edit and an online edit? offline is the rough cut edit and the online is the final cut edit

22. What are some of the tasks done by an editor? cutting footage and audio together

23. What task is done after an edit? What is the purpose of this task? the soundmix can be made, adjusts sounds so they are correctly balanced, final approval by executive producer